Blog Prompt

The three learning theories that we covered this week are: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Throughout my life, I have experience learning in these various formats of learning.


I learned that it was wrong to hit other children when I was young because I got lectured by my parents afterwards. After the physical punishment that I received from mom, I understood that it was wrong to hit other people. This type of learning is behaviorism, I am sure this is something that everybody learns in their life. Another example of behaviorism learning that I encountered was when I was in middle school, I skipped class and when my instructor found me, she hit me a ruler.


Most of my learning experience is under cognitivism. When I studied physics and science, I used my brain to understand the course material. I had to use my rational thinking to create hypothesis and to solve the questions. This type of learning is the most widely used learning.


I learned English in China while using constructivism learning theories. My tutor would break down the English words in syllables so that it would be easier for me to pronounce them. I would reconstruct the words so that they become full words. Another technique that was used by my tutor was to use puzzles that would show case different pictures that corresponded to English words. This method thought me the English translation for animals, places, and things.

My preferred learning format

I think I am more of a cognitivist when it comes to learning. I find that using my cognitive functions to solve problems and to rationalize things make it easier for me to understand different concepts. I think that everyone has their preferred way to learn. I find it easy to understand concepts by reading and interpreting the problem. I’m less of a visual learner, I tried to learn English prior to studying in Canada by watching English language movies; however, I found it very difficult to improve my English this way.

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